
Typographic Poster Part 2

Due: 2013-10-29


Your event has been a success, and you need to now create a logo drawn from the visuals you created for your poster to begin branding the event. You will be creating either a logotype (typography with embellishments) or a combination mark. The mark must work in one color, and therefore you must create a logo in black and white. You may (and most likely will) reduce and simply the art from the poster to distill it into a logo but there must be a visual connection between the mark and the poster you created.

Create 3 distinct and detailed sketches to be reviewed by 10-22-13. Create the logo we agree on in Illustrator as a vector mark.

You do not need to mount the mark, you can simply print it out on the black and white printer to be reviewed and we will also view it on the projector.

Project Specs

  • 6×6 inch artboard, with the logo fitting within a 2×2 inch area centered in the artboard.
  • Physical Submission (8.5×11 black and white print, simply to see your mark at actual size)
  • Digital Submission (working file and pdf)


Place your working file(s) and a pdf with no bleed in a folder labeled [lastname_firstinitial_p3-part2] and place it in the drop box by the beginning of class on the due date. Have your black and white print out ready by the beginning of class. Print the black and white version out on a letter-sized paper at 100% for review/critique.

Syllabus Archived Type Design Projects
